
Panchang is an astrological calendar used in Hindu astrology. It provides information on the location of planets and nakshatras, and their influence on human lives. The word "Panchang" comes from the words "Pancha" means "five" and "Ang" means "aspects", and the astrological diary works with five different types of inputs: Day of the week (Vara), Lunar day (Thithi), Constellation (Nakshatra), Yoga, and Karana.
New Delhi
July 27, 2024

Panchang | New Delhi | July 27, 2024

Sun Timings
Sun sign:
Moon Timings
Moon sign:

Hindu Month & Year

Shaka Shamvat
Vikram Shamvat
Month Amanta
Month Purnimanta

Auspicious Timing (Shubh Muhurat)


Inauspicious Timings (Ashubh Muhurat)

Rahu Kaal
Guli Kaal
Yamghant Kaal

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How is the Panchang used in astrology

The Panchang is a vital tool for astrologers and individuals interested in Vedic astrology. It helps them determine auspicious times for events (like weddings, starting a business), understand planetary influences, and guide personal decision-making based on astrological trends.

Q. What are the five key elements of a Panchang?

The five main elements are: Tithi: The lunar day (there are 30 Tithis in a lunar month), Nakshatra: The constellation the Moon is positioned in (27 Nakshatras), Yoga: The angular relationship between the Sun and the Moon, Karana: Half of a Tithi, Vara: The day of the week,

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