
The word "horoscope" is derived from two Sanskrit words - "raashi" (zodiac sign) and "phal" (result or prediction). As the name suggests, horoscope, also known by various other names such as astrological chart, celestial map, star chart, or sky map, is a prediction made based on the zodiac sign. It is believed to ...

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Today’s horoscope

From the daily horoscope, you can learn about your future, which depends on your today and tomorrow. The position of planets and stars in the daily life of individuals has been given great importance. Information is obtained about whether the individual will profit or lose in business, how their lov ...

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Weekly horoscope

Weekly horoscopes are determined based on the movements of our Vedic astrology planets. By understanding the positive and negative outcomes for the week, we can ensure that we proceed with caution in the upcoming days. A weekly horoscope works on the premise that a person's destiny changes with time ...

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Monthly Horoscope

According to Vedic astrology, monthly horoscope means the prediction for the entire month based on one's zodiac sign. It provides individuals with a complete overview of their 30-day period based on their zodiac sign. The monthly horoscope allows you to understand your future, meaning auspicious and ...

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Yearly horoscope

In Indian Vedic astrology, the annual horoscope (varshik kundali) is created to make individuals aware of the upcoming times. The annual horoscope is based on the movement of the Sun. It depends on the specific zodiac sign and degree of the Sun at the time of a person's birth. When the Sun's transit ...

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Relationship Between Planets and Kundli (Horoscope)

In Vedic astrology, nine celestial bodies are considered, and their influence is seen on our lives. The position of these planets in a person's birth chart, known as the Kundli, reveals what their future holds. Astrologers believe that the positions and movements of these planets have an impact on a person's life. The calculation of the positions of these nine planets is essential to understand and analyze a person's destiny, and it plays a significant role in their life. The position of these nine planets is calculated based on their strength or weakness, and this has either a positive or negative impact on an individual. In astrology, there are nine planets that are considered significant, and their positions in the ninth division of the zodiac chart are considered vital indicators of a person's life. When a child is born, their birth details, such as date, time, and place, are recorded by family members. Based on this information, a Kundli is created for the individual. Each planet is believed to have a unique influence on the person's characteristics and behavior, which are determined by the positions of these planets in their Kundli.

Historical Significance

Vedic astrology is considered a science that involves the study of celestial bodies and their influence on worldly events and the destinies of individuals. The positions of planets and constellations are believed to affect and influence various aspects of life. While modern Western science may not recognize astrology in the same way, it has played a significant role in shaping cultures and societies for centuries. Astrology is based on the premise that a person's body is composed of the same atoms as the universe, and the activities of a person's life are influenced by the movements and positions of celestial bodies. Astrology is also considered a philosophy by some.

The Use of Kundli (Horoscope)

Astrology is accepted as a science, and science relies on logic and facts. The science of astrology has played an essential role in the history of our sages and saints and has benefited people. Astrology believes that through the Kundli, an individual can learn about their destiny, but many people still question whether planets and their movements truly affect people's lives. Through the Kundli, a person can gain insights into their future and receive predictions about upcoming events. The Kundli typically displays the moment of a person's birth and is used by astrologers to analyze and predict various aspects of a person's life. By examining the positions of the planets and their movements, the Kundli provides valuable information about a person's career, business, relationships, auspicious times for various events, and more.

Benefits of Kundli (Horoscope)

In Vedic astrology, the Horoscope serves as a valuable tool for individuals to gain insights into their past, present, and future events and situations. The Kundli is believed to provide information about a person's personality, habits, home comforts, vehicles, higher education, parental happiness, progeny, income and expenditure, and ways to lead a fulfilling life. The Kundli is an essential aspect of a person's life, and understanding it can lead to better decision-making, personal growth, and overall well-being. It is a tool that helps individuals navigate their lives with more knowledge and awareness, making it easier to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the 3 big things in Horoscope?

In the birth chart, planets are never stationary; they constantly move from one house to another. It is essential for individuals to understand which planet is favorable for them and when, as well as when it is unfavorable. Horoscopes serve as an awakening, guiding individuals in the right direction and making them aware of what precautions they should take. Knowing your horoscope can help you improve your daily life and provide early indications of any potential harm or loss so that you can take preventive measures.

Q. Are the horoscope predictions true?

Some individuals have questions in their minds about the accuracy of horoscopes and whether astrology's predictions are true. Many people mistakenly believe that astrology will provide them with precise knowledge of their future, which is not entirely accurate. Horoscopes, whether daily, weekly, or otherwise, are dependent on the movements of the planets, and their predictions are not always 100% true. However, they do provide you with signals on what to do or not. A person can gain comprehensive knowledge from their birth chart, but it is crucial for the birth details to be completely accurate for precise predictions. It is advisable to consult a knowledgeable astrologer to understand your horoscope thoroughly.

Q. Does the horoscope play a role in guiding marital decisions?

Horoscope plays a significant role in a person's life, especially when it comes to matters of love, particularly when astrologers examine the birth charts of two individuals and assess their compatibility. Whether there are natural affinities between two people, or not, is often determined by the position of the planet Venus, which is associated with relationships and love. Afterward, an analysis of other planetary positions is conducted. The birth chart holds a vital role in assessing challenges and conflicts in relationships, as well as determining the timing of marriage. Astrology, based on the birth time, reveals information about a person's inclinations, compatibility with others, and personality traits. It also provides insights into the potential for love and compatibility between two individuals. In the context of marriage, the marriage horoscope serves as the foundation of love because when two people are in love, compassion, emotional understanding, and mutual cooperation play a crucial role.

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